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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Who among the following was a Portuguese writer who wrote about the trade and society in south India?


Niccolao Manucci

Francois Bernier

Jean-Baptiste Tavernier

Duarte Barbosa

Correct Answer:

Duarte Barbosa


The correct answer is Option (4) → Duarte Barbosa

Out of the listed names, the Portuguese writer who wrote about trade and society in south India was:

  • Duarte Barbosa

Duarte Barbosa was a writer and officer who spent time in Portuguese India during the early 16th century. His book, "Livro de Duarte Barbosa" (The Book of Duarte Barbosa), is considered one of the earliest examples of Portuguese travel writing and provides valuable insights into the social, economic, and cultural aspects of south India during that period.