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Target Exam



General Test


Logical and Analytical Reasoning


Matching Definitions

It is called Restitution when you compensate someone for damaging his or her property in some way. Which of the following situations is the best example of Restitution?
Tom borrows his friend's car and returns the car with an empty petrol tank. He apologizes and tells his friend that he will fill the tank tomorrow.
Tom borrows his friend's camera. Tom fails to zipper the case, and the camera falls on the ground, and the lens shatters. When Tom returns the camera, he tells his friend that he will pay for the damage.
Peter asks Tom to stay in his apartment when he is out of the town. One day Tom arrives to stay and finds that pipe has burst and the apartment is filled with water. He calls the plumber to repair the pipe and pays for the repair.
A pothole in the parking of Peter's company caused his flat tyre. He informs his boss and expects that the company should pay for the repair.
Correct Answer:
Tom borrows his friend's camera. Tom fails to zipper the case, and the camera falls on the ground, and the lens shatters. When Tom returns the camera, he tells his friend that he will pay for the damage.
Tom damaged his friend's camera when the camera was in his possession, and he agreed to pay for the re