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Target Exam





India-People and Economy: Human Settlements


Which of the following statement is NOT correct about the level of urbanization in India?


The level of urbanisation is measured in terms of the percentage of urban population to rural poulation.

The level of urbanisation in India in 2011 was 31.16 per cent. 

Total urban population has increased fifteen-fold during the twentieth century.

The growth rate of urbanisation has slowed down during last two decades.

Correct Answer:

Total urban population has increased fifteen-fold during the twentieth century.


The level of urbanisation is measured in terms of percentage of urban population to total population. The level of urbanisation in India in 2011 was 31.16 per cent, which is quite low in comparison to developed countries. Total urban population has increased eleven-fold during the twentieth century. Enlargement of urban centres and emergence of new towns have played a significant role in the growth of urban population and urbanisation in the country. But the growth rate of urbanisation has slowed down during last two decades.