Practicing Success

Target Exam





Molecular Basis of Inheritance


Which out of the following statement is incorrect about genetic code ?


Genetic code is degenerate .

Genetic code is universal.

Genetic codon is triplet .

None of these .

Correct Answer:

None of these .


The correct answer is Option (4) -None of these.

All the statements about genetic code are correct .The salient features of genetic code are as follows:

The codon is triplet. 61 codons code for amino acids and 3 codons do not code for any amino acids, hence they function as stop codons.

(ii) Some amino acids are coded by more than one codon, hence the code is degenerate.

(iii) The codon is read in mRNA in a contiguous fashion. There are no punctuations.

(iv) The code is nearly universal: for example, from bacteria to human UUU would code for Phenylalanine (phe). Some exceptions to this rule have been found in mitochondrial codons, and in some protozoans.

(v) AUG has dual functions. It codes for Methionine (met) , and it also act as initiator codon.

(vi) UAA, UAG, UGA are stop terminator codons.