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Target Exam





India-People and Economy: Transport and Communcation


India has one of the largest road networks in the world with a total length of about 62.16 lakh km. About 85 per cent of passenger and 70 per cent of freight traffic are carried by roads every year. Road transport is relatively suitable for shorter-distance travel.  Road transport in the modern sense was very limited in India before World War II. The first serious attempt was made in 1943 when the ‘Nagpur Plan’ was drawn. This plan could not be implemented due to a lack of coordination between the princely states and British India.

What type of roads are constructed and maintained by state governments which join the state capitals with district headquarters and other important towns?


Major District Roads

Rural Roads

National Highways

State Highways

Correct Answer:

State Highways


State Roads:  These are constructed and maintained by state governments. They join the state capitals with district headquarters and other important towns. These roads are connected to the National Highways. These constitute 4 per cent of the total road length in the country.