Practicing Success

Target Exam





Spelling Check


Select the sentence which has no spelling error.


Aries is the sign of the zodiac.

Many cities are named after zodaic signs.

Water bearer is the symbol for zodiak Aquarius.

The zodyac signs are split in twelve months.

Correct Answer:

Aries is the sign of the zodiac.


The sentence that has no spelling error is:

Aries is the sign of the zodiac.

Explanation of all options:

☀ Aries is the sign of the zodiac. This sentence has no spelling errors. "Aries" and "zodiac" are correctly spelled.

☀ Many cities are named after zodaic signs. The word "zodaic" is misspelled. The correct spelling is "zodiac."

☀ Water bearer is the symbol for zodiak Aquarius. The word "zodiak" is misspelled. The correct spelling is "zodiac."

☀ The zodyac signs are split in twelve months. The word "zodyac" is misspelled. The correct spelling is "zodiac."