Practicing Success

Target Exam





Arrange in Meaningful Sequence


Sentences of a paragraph are given in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.

A.Dozens of distinctly different regional languages are spoken in India, which share many characteristics such as grammatical structure and vocabulary.

B.India has had a longer exposure to English than any other country which uses it as a second language, its distinctive words, idioms, grammar and rhetoric spreading gradually to affect all places, habits and culture.

C.The historical background of India is never far away from everyday usage of English.

D.Since the early 1600s, the English language has had a toehold on the Indian subcontinent, when the East India Company established settlements in Chennai, Kolkata, and Mumbai, formerly Madras, Calcutta, and Bombay, respectively.






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (3) - DBCA

The correct order of the sentences to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph is DBCA.

Here is the explanation:

  1. Sentence D states that since the early 1600s, the English language has had a toehold on the Indian subcontinent, when the East India Company established settlements in Chennai, Kolkata, and Mumbai, formerly Madras, Calcutta, and Bombay, respectively.
  2. Sentence B states that India has had a longer exposure to English than any other country which uses it as a second language, its distinctive words, idioms, grammar and rhetoric spreading gradually to affect all places, habits and culture.
  3. Sentence C states that the historical background of India is never far away from everyday usage of English.
  4. Sentence A states that dozens of distinctly different regional languages are spoken in India, which share many characteristics such as grammatical structure and vocabulary.