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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Mangal Pandey was hanged to death for attacking British officers in Barrackpore on ______.


21 March 1857

23 March 1857

31 March 1857

29 March 1857

Correct Answer:

29 March 1857


The correct answer is Option 4- 29 March 1857

March 29, 1857: Mangal Pandey attacked British officers, sparking the first major incident of what later became known as the Indian Rebellion of 1857.
Fearing a wider uprising: British authorities expedited his execution, moving the initial date from April 18th.
April 8, 1857: Mangal Pandey was hanged in front of all Indian and British units stationed in Barrackpore

(As per the given options, the most appropriate answer is Option 4- 29 March 1857 which corresponds with the date when Mangal Pandey attacked the British officers).