Practicing Success

Target Exam





Organisms and Populations


What is the term used to describe the pattern of population growth when resources are unlimited?



Exponential growth

Sigmoid growth

Logistic growth

All of these

Correct Answer:

Exponential growth


The correct answer is Option (1) - Exponential growth.

Exponential growth is the term used to describe the pattern of population growth when resources in the habitat are unlimited. In this type of growth, each individual in the population has the potential to reproduce at the maximum possible rate. As a result, the population size increases rapidly over time, without any constraints. This type of growth is also referred to as geometric growth.

In an exponential growth model, the population increases by a constant proportion at each time step. The rate of increase is determined by the difference between the birth rate (per capita births) and the death rate (per capita deaths). The equation that describes exponential growth is

dN/dt = rN

where dN/dt represents the rate of change in population size, r is the intrinsic rate of natural increase, and N is the current population size.

Exponential growth results in a J-shaped curve when the population size is plotted against time. Initially, the population grows slowly, but as the size increases, the rate of growth accelerates, leading to a rapid increase in population size.