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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Medieval History


Which of the following is the correct chronological order of the different dynasties during the Sultanate period?


Mamluk dynasty, the Khalji dynasty , the Tughlaq dynasty , the Sayyid dynasty , and the Lodi dynasty.

The Khalji dynasty ,Mamluk dynasty, the Sayyid dynasty , the Lodi dynasty and the Tughlaq dynasty.

The Khalji dynasty ,Mamluk dynasty, the Tughlaq dynasty , the Sayyid dynasty , and the Lodi dynasty.

The Khalji dynasty ,Mamluk dynasty, the Sayyid dynasty , the Tughlaq dynasty , and the Lodi dynasty.

Correct Answer:

Mamluk dynasty, the Khalji dynasty , the Tughlaq dynasty , the Sayyid dynasty , and the Lodi dynasty.


The correct answer is Option 1- Mamluk dynasty, the Khalji dynasty , the Tughlaq dynasty , the Sayyid dynasty , and the Lodi dynasty.

The correct chronological order of the different dynasties during the Sultanate period is:

Mamluk dynasty (1206-1290)
Khalji dynasty (1290-1320)
Tughlaq dynasty (1320-1414)
Sayyid dynasty (1414-1451)
Lodi dynasty (1451-1526)

This order reflects the succession of ruling dynasties in the Delhi Sultanate from the establishment of the Mamluk dynasty by Qutb-ud-din Aibak to the end of the Sultanate period with the establishment of the Lodi dynasty by Bahlul Khan Lodi.