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Target Exam



Legal Studies


Legal Profession in India

Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct about an advocate on record?
An Advocate on Record (AOR) is an advocate who has passed a qualifying examination conducted by the Bar Council of India.
Only an AOR can file a vakalath, a petition, an affidavit or any other application on behalf of a party in the High Courts and Supreme Court.
AORs can argue matters, but frequently they serve in a solicitor like role.
All of the above
Correct Answer:
AORs can argue matters, but frequently they serve in a solicitor like role.
An Advocate on Record (AOR) is an advocate who has passed a qualifying examination conducted by the Supreme Court. The examination is taken by an advocate who has been enrolled with a Bar Council for at least five years and has completed one year training with an AOR of not less than five years standing. Only an AOR can file a vakalath, a petition, an affidavit or any other application on behalf of a party in the Supreme Court. All the procedural aspects of a case are dealt with by the AOR, with the assistance of a registered clerk. It is the AOR's name that appears on the cause list. The AOR is held accountable, by the Supreme Court, for the conduct of the case. Any notice and correspondence from the Supreme Court are sent to the AOR, and not to the party. AORs can argue matters, but frequently they serve in a solicitor like role.