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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: India's External Relations


Arrange the following events in chronological order:
A) China alleges anti-China activities in India
B) China annexes Tibet
C) India seeks military assistance from the United States and the United Kingdom against China
D) China launches a swift invasion on the two disputed regions in India


C, A, D, B

A, D, B, C

D, A, B, C

B, A, D, C

Correct Answer:

B, A, D, C


Chronological Order of the events:

B) China annexes Tibet (1950)

A) China alleges anti-China activities in India (1959, after Dalai Lama sought asylum in India)

D) China launches a swift invasion on the two disputed regions in India (October 1962, beginning of the war)

C) India seeks military assistance from the United States and the United Kingdom (1962, Amidst the Indo-China War)