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Target Exam





Foreign/Latin Words


Select the option that best expresses the meaning of the word "TETE A TETE":


tit for tat

a private conversation between two people

a public interview

to look at each other

Correct Answer:

a private conversation between two people


The correct answer is Option (2) → a private conversation between two people

"Tit for tat": This phrase refers to a situation where one person responds to another's action with a similar action, often in retaliation or as a form of reciprocity. It is unrelated to the term "tete-a-tete."

"A private conversation between two people": This option accurately defines "tete-a-tete." It refers to an intimate or private conversation between two individuals, often held in a secluded or confidential setting.

"A public interview": This option does not accurately represent the meaning of "tete-a-tete." A public interview involves questioning and answering in a public setting, typically with an audience present. It does not specifically denote a conversation between two people.

"To look at each other": This option does not capture the meaning of "tete-a-tete." While "tete-a-tete" involves interaction between two individuals, it primarily focuses on verbal communication rather than merely looking at each other.