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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Challenges of nation Building


Which of the following princely state of India opposed joining the Indian Union at the time of partition?





All of the above

Correct Answer:

All of the above


Prior to Independence, the British announced that with the end of their rule, the paramountcy of the British crown over the Princely States would also end. This meant that the Princely States, numbering 565, would become legally independent and could choose to join India, and Pakistan, or remain independent. The decision of joining India or Pakistan was left to the princely rulers, rather than being determined by the people. This posed a significant challenge as it could potentially lead to the fragmentation of India and threatened the unity of the newly formed nation.

First of all, the ruler of Travancore announced that the state had decided on Independence. The Nizam of Hyderabad made a similar announcement the next day. Rulers like the Nawab of Bhopal were averse to joining the Constituent Assembly. This response of the rulers of the Princely States meant that after Independence there was a very real possibility that India would get further divided into a number of small countries. Other princely states were Junagarh, Manipur, Kashmir, Mysore etc.