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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: India's External Relations


Read the passage and answer the question:

Just as both internal and external factors guide the behaviour of an individual or a family, both domestic and international environments influence the foreign policy of a nation. The developing countries lack the required resources to effectively advocate their concerns in the international system. So they pursue more modest goals than the advanced states. They focus more on peace and development in their own neighbourhood. Moreover, their economic and security dependence on the more powerful states occasionally influences their foreign policy. In the period immediately after the Second World War, many developing nations chose to support the foreign policy preferences of the powerful countries who were giving them aid or credits. This resulted in the division of countries of the world into two clear camps. One was under the influence of the United States and its Western allies and the other was under the influence of the then Soviet Union.

Which of the following wars had started in international politics just before India gained independence?


First World War

Second World War

The Cold War

The Vietnam War

Correct Answer:

The Cold War


The correct answer is Option 3 - The Cold War

The Cold War began after the End of World War 2 and lasted till 1990. India gained freedom in 1947, just when the Cold War started.

The conclusion of the Cold War marked a transformative juncture in international relations. However, as India gained its independence and formulated its foreign policy, the Cold War had just commenced, leading to a division of the world into these aforementioned camps.

Other Options:

Option 1- The First World War was fought from 1914-1918.
Option 2- The second World War was fought from 1939-45.
Option 4- The Vietnam War was fought from 1955-975.