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General Test


General Knowledge


What kind of adaptation is seen in bacteria when they form various kinds of thick-walled spor?






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (3) -Suspend

Bacteria form thick-walled spores called endospores to withstand harsh conditions such as intense boiling, freezing temperatures, and ultraviolet radiation. These endospores allow the organisms to survive for extended periods, remaining dormant until favorable conditions return, at which point they germinate.

The type of adaptation observed in bacteria when they form various kinds of thick-walled spores is suspension.

Here's additional information on other types of adaptations:

Migrate: When organisms cannot tolerate certain temperatures, they temporarily move from harsh habitats to more hospitable ones. They return once the challenging conditions have passed. For instance, birds engage in long-distance migrations during harsh winters.

Conform: Most animals and plants are unable to maintain a steady internal environment. They adapt to their surroundings by changing their body parameters. For example, poikilothermic creatures are simple conformers, as they cannot regulate their body temperatures. However, a few conformers can control certain parameters within a specific range.

Regulate: Organisms utilize this technique to adjust their physiology and behavior to maintain homeostasis. They can execute processes like osmoregulation or thermoregulation due to homeostasis. For example, mammals and birds maintain consistent body temperature and osmotic concentration regardless of the ambient temperature.