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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Select the correct pair of dance form and its state.


Kalbelia - Himachal Pradesh

Thang Ta - Bihar

Padayani - Kerala

Dalkhai - Karnataka

Correct Answer:

Padayani - Kerala


The correct answer is Option (3) - Padayani - Kerala

Padayani - Kerala: Padayani is a traditional ritualistic dance form from Kerala, India. It is performed during temple festivals and features elaborate costumes, masks, and rhythmic drumming, depicting mythological themes and stories.

Kalbelia - Rajasthan:  Kalbelia is a folk dance performed by the Kalbelia community in Rajasthan.

Thang Ta - Manipur:  Thang Ta is a martial art that incorporates dance-like elements and originates from Manipur.

Dalkhai - Odisha: Dalkhai is a group dance form known for its vibrant costumes and is performed in Odisha.