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Target Exam







Case : Read the passage and answer the question(s).

Hydrogen spectrum consists of discrete bright lines in a dark background and it is specifically known as hydrogen emission spectrum. There is one more type of hydrogen spectrum that exists where we get dark lines on the bright background, it is known as absorption spectrum.

Balmer found an empirical formula by the observation of a small part of this spectrum and it is given by : \(\frac{1}{λ}\) = R(\(\frac{1}{2^2}\) - \(\frac{1}{n^2}\)) , where n = 3,4,5,...

For Lyman series, the emission is from first state to nth state, for Paschen series, it is from third state to nth state, for Brackett series, it is from fourth state to nth state and for Pfund series, it is from fifth state to nth state.

Which of the following lies in infra-red region?


Lyman Series

Paschen Series

Brackett Series.

none of the above

Correct Answer:

Paschen Series


Lyman series of hydrogen atom lies in ultraviolet region, Balmer series lies in visible region while found and paschen series lie in infrared region.