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Target Exam



Fine Arts


The Rajasthani Schools of Painting


What distinctive style evolved in Kishangarh by the early eighteenth century during the reign of Raj Singh?


Realistic and naturalistic

Abstract and cubist

Elongated human form, use of green, and panoramic landscapes

Monochromatic and minimalist

Correct Answer:

Elongated human form, use of green, and panoramic landscapes


Answer:  Elongated human form, use of green, and panoramic landscapes
A distinctive style in Kishangarh, characterized by a tendency to elongate the human form, lavish use of green, and a penchant for depicting panoramic landscapes, evolved during the reign of Raj Singh in the early eighteenth century.

Kishan Singh, one of the sons of the king of Jodhpur, founded the state of Kishangarh in 1609. By the mid–seventeenth century under the patronage of Man Singh (1658–1706), artists were already working in the Kishangarh court. A distinctive style of the state with a general tendency to elongate the human form, making lavish use of green and penchant for depicting panoramic landscapes had evolved by the early eighteenth century during the reign of Raj Singh (1706–1748). With Raj Singh getting initiated into the Pushtimargiya cult of Vallabhacharya, Krishna Lila themes became personal favourites for the rulers of Kishangarh and represented a major portion of their court art.