Practicing Success

Target Exam







How do decomposers meet their energy and nutrient requirements?


By consuming live organisms

By degrading dead organic matter

By photosynthesis

By hunting prey

Correct Answer:

By degrading dead organic matter


The correct answer is Option (2) –By degrading dead organic matter.

Decomposers meet their energy and nutrient requirements by degrading dead organic matter. They are heterotrophic organisms that specialize in breaking down complex organic compounds present in dead plant material, animal remains, and other organic waste.

Decomposers, such as fungi and bacteria, secrete enzymes that break down the complex organic molecules in dead organic matter into simpler, inorganic substances. These enzymes help break down materials like cellulose, lignin, proteins, and carbohydrates into smaller components.

Once the dead organic matter is broken down into simpler forms, the decomposers absorb and utilize the resulting inorganic substances to obtain energy and essential nutrients for their own growth and metabolic processes. These inorganic substances include minerals, ions, and other compounds that are released during the decomposition process.

Unlike other organisms that rely on consuming live organisms (option a) or photosynthesis (option c) for energy, decomposers derive their energy and nutrients from the breakdown of dead organic matter. They play a crucial role in the recycling of nutrients in ecosystems, as they convert complex organic compounds into simpler forms that can be utilized by other organisms, including plants.

Decomposers do not hunt prey (option d) as they primarily feed on dead organic material. Their role in the ecosystem is focused on decomposing and recycling organic matter, helping to break it down and return nutrients to the environment.