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Target Exam





Modern India: Rebels and the Raj


Read the passage and answer the question :

The annexation displaced not just the Nawab. It also dispossessed the taluqdars of the region. The country side of Awadh was dotted with the estates and forts of taluqdars who for many generations had controlled land and power in the countryside. Before the coming of the British, taluqdars maintained armed retainers, built forts and enjoyed a degree of autonomy, as long as they accepted the suzerainty of the Nawab and paid the revenue of their taluqs. Some of the bigger taluqdars had as many as 12,000 foot-soldiers and even the smaller ones had about 200. The British were unwilling to tolerate the power of the taluqdars. Immediately after the annexation, the taluqdars were disarmed and their forts destroyed.

Who were the 'Taluqdars' in Awadh?


The literatti class of Awadh.

Hereditary landed gentry in the rural areas.

Mercenary soldiers working under the British.

Influential religious leaders in that belt.

Correct Answer:

Hereditary landed gentry in the rural areas.


The correct answer is Option (2) → Hereditary landed gentry in the rural areas

As per the passage-

The country side of Awadh was dotted with the estates and forts of taluqdars who for many generations had controlled land and power in the countryside. Before the coming of the British, taluqdars maintained armed retainers, built forts and enjoyed a degree of autonomy, as long as they accepted the suzerainty of the Nawab and paid the revenue of their taluqs. Some of the bigger taluqdars had as many as 12,000 foot-soldiers and even the smaller ones had about 200.

This description aligns with the concept of hereditary landed gentry who held significant land holdings and power in the region.

So, the correct option is [2].