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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


In which of the following battles, did the founder of the Mughal Empire, Babur, use cannon and ammunition effectively for the first time in India?


Battle of Chanderi

First Battle of Panipat

Battle of Khanwa

Battle of Ghaghra

Correct Answer:

First Battle of Panipat


The correct answer is Option 2- First Battle of Panipat

Babur used cannon and ammunition effectively for the first time in India at the First Battle of Panipat in 1526.

The First Battle of Panipat was fought between Babur and Ibrahim Lodi, the last sultan of the Lodi dynasty. Babur was a brilliant military commander and he used his cannons and ammunition to great effect in the battle. The Lodi cannons were old and outdated, and they were no match for Babur's superior firepower.

Babur's cannons caused heavy casualties among the Lodi forces. They also helped to demoralize the Lodi troops. As a result, Babur was able to win the battle and defeat the Lodi dynasty. The First Battle of Panipat is considered to be a landmark event in Indian history. It marked the beginning of the Mughal Empire in India.

The other battles mentioned in the options were all fought after the First Battle of Panipat, so Babur must have already been using cannon and ammunition effectively in those battles.