Practicing Success

Target Exam





Organisms and Populations


In a study of frog populations in a pond, a biologist recorded an average natality of 250 individuals, average mortality of 240 individuals, immigration of 20 individuals, and emigration of 30 individuals. Based on these findings, what is the net increase in the population?



12 individuals

18 individuals

10 individuals

Zero individuals

Correct Answer:

Zero individuals


The correct answer is Option (4) -Zero individuals

In this case, the biologist studied the population of frogs in a pond and collected data on various factors affecting population size. The average natality (birth rate) was found to be 250, meaning that 250 new frogs were born during the study period. The average mortality (death rate) was 240, indicating that 240 frogs died during the same period.

Additionally, the biologist observed immigration, with 20 frogs entering the population, and emigration, with 30 frogs leaving the population.

To determine the net increase in population, we need to consider the total number of individuals gained and lost. Adding the natality and immigration values (250 + 20) gives us a total of 270 individuals gained, while adding the mortality and emigration values (240 + 30) gives us a total of 270 individuals lost.

Therefore, the net increase in population is calculated by subtracting the total number of individuals lost (270) from the total number of individuals gained (270), resulting in a net increase of 0. This means that the number of individuals added to the population is equal to the number of individuals lost, resulting in no change in population size.

In summary, the net increase in population is zero, indicating a balance between births, deaths, immigration, and emigration during the study period.

The net increase in population would be zero. It can be calculated in the following way.

Increase in population = (Natality + Immigration) – (Mortality + emigration)

= (250 ) +(20 ) − (240)+ (30) = 0 (zero)