Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge




Match Column-A with Column-B

 Column-A (Organelle)  

 Column-B (Function) 

 i. Mitochondria

 a. Protein synthesis

 ii. Ribosomes

 b. Regulation of activity of a cell  

 iii. Nucleus

 c. Digestive system of a cell

 iv. Lysosomes

 d. Energy generation


i - c, ii - a, iii - d, iv - c

i - b, ii - a, iii - c, iv - d

i - a, ii - b, iii - c, iv - d

i - d, ii - a, iii - b, iv - c

Correct Answer:

i - d, ii - a, iii - b, iv - c


The correct answer is Option (4) – i - d, ii - a, iii - b, iv - c

i. Mitochondria - d. Energy generation

Mitochondria are known as the powerhouse of the cell because they produce energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through cellular respiration.

ii. Ribosomes - a. Protein synthesis

Ribosomes are responsible for protein synthesis in the cell. They are the site where mRNA is translated into proteins.

iii. Nucleus - b. Regulation of activity of a cell

The nucleus regulates the activity of the cell by controlling gene expression and storing the cell's genetic material (DNA).

iv. Lysosomes - c. Digestive system of a cell

Lysosomes are responsible for breaking down cellular waste and foreign particles through a process called autophagy. They contain enzymes that degrade cellular components and pathogens.