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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System


Which of the following statements related to the Assembly Elections 1967 are incorrect?
1. Congress managed to get a majority but with its lowest tally of seats and share of votes since 1952.
2. Around half the ministers in Indira Gandhi’s cabinet were defeated.


1 only

2 only

Both 1 and 2

Neither 1 nor 2

Correct Answer:

Neither 1 nor 2


Both the statements are correct.

Congress managed to get a majority but with its lowest tally of seats and share of votes since 1952:
In this context, it means that the Indian National Congress party won enough seats in an election to form a majority government, allowing them to have control over the legislative process. However, the number of seats they secured was the lowest they had achieved since the year 1952. Additionally, the "share of votes" refers to the proportion of the total votes cast in their favor. This indicates that even though they secured a majority, their overall electoral performance was weaker compared to previous years.
Around half the ministers in Indira Gandhi’s cabinet were defeated:
This statement highlights that in an election, a significant portion (approximately 50%) of the ministers who were part of Indira Gandhi's cabinet – the group of top government officials responsible for decision-making – were not re-elected and lost their seats. This situation indicates a significant electoral setback for the ruling party and the incumbent government, as it suggests that voters did not support a considerable number of their representatives.