Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Nature and significance of Management


Which of the following statements highlights that management is a group activity?


Organisation is a collection of diverse individuals with different needs.

Achievement of common goal requires teamwork and co-ordination of efforts in a common direction.

Each member of the organisation may have different individual goals but they must travel together towards common goals.

All of the above

Correct Answer:

All of the above


OPTION-1 Organisation is a collection of diverse individuals with different needs.
OPTION-2 Achievement of common goal requires teamwork and co-ordination of efforts in a common direction.
OPTION-3 Each member of the organisation may have different individual goals but they must travel together towards common goals.
An organisation is a collection of diverse individuals with different needs. Every member of the group has a different purpose for joining the organisation but as members of the organisation they work towards fulfilling the common organisational goal. This requires team work and coordination of individual effort in a common direction. At the same time management should enable all its members to grow and develop as needs and opportunities change.
So, the correct ans is all of these.