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Target Exam





Physical: Solutions


The law which indicates the relationship between solubility of gas in liquid and the partial pressure?


Roult's law

Henry's law

Vant Hoff law

Ostwald's dialution law

Correct Answer:

Henry's law


Yes, you are absolutely correct. I apologize for the oversight in my previous response.

As per Henry's law, at constant temperature and external pressure, the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas at which it is dissolved.

Let \(x\) be the mole fraction of the gas in the liquid (a measure of its solubility) and \(p\) be the partial pressure of the gas in equilibrium with the solution.

According to Henry's law, we can express the relationship as:

\(x \propto p\)

This implies that \(x\) is directly proportional to \(p\). We can represent this relationship using a constant of proportionality, denoted as \(K_H\) (Henry's law constant):

\(x = K_H \times p\)


\(p = K_H \times x\)

where \(K_H\) is the Henry's law constant. The value of \(K_H\) depends on the nature of the gas, the solvent, and the temperature at which the solubility is measured.

So, the correct relationship between the mole fraction of a gas (\(x\)) and the partial pressure of the gas (\(p\)) according to Henry's law is:

\(x = K_H \times p\) (or \(p = K_H \times x\))