Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Logical and Analytical Reasoning


Statements, Assumptions and Conclusions


In this question, a conclusion is given followed by statements labeled I and II. Give your answer from the given options.

Conclusion: He looks dangerous.


I. He has a lean and hungry look.

II. He thinks too much.


If statement I alone is needed to draw the conclusion

If statement II alone is needed to draw the conclusion

If both 1 and II are needed to draw the conclusion

If both I and II are not sufficient to draw the conclusion

Correct Answer:

If statement I alone is needed to draw the conclusion


The correct answer is Option 1: If statement I alone is needed to draw the conclusion

Statement I suggests that "He has a lean and hungry look." This implies that the person appears physically gaunt and hungry, which can sometimes be associated with desperation or aggressiveness, thus contributing to a perception of danger. The phrase "lean and hungry" is often used metaphorically to describe someone who is ambitious, intense, or potentially threatening.

On the other hand, Statement II, "He thinks too much," doesn't directly contribute to the conclusion that "He looks dangerous." While overthinking may suggest an active or possibly troubled mind, it doesn't inherently convey a sense of danger in appearance. The link between thinking too much and appearing dangerous isn't as direct or intuitive as the association between a lean and hungry look and danger.

Hence, conclusion is if statement A alone is needed to draw the conclusion.