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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


______ was the first person who discovered cells.


Robert Hooke

Francis Crick

Alexander Fleming

Ernest Rutherford

Correct Answer:

Robert Hooke


The correct answer is Option (1)- Robert Hooke

Robert Hooke was the first person who discovered cells.


Robert Hooke, an English scientist, made the discovery of cells in 1665. He used a primitive microscope to examine thin slices of cork and observed small compartments, which he named "cells." Hooke's pioneering work laid the foundation for the study of cell biology and marked the beginning of our understanding of the structural and functional units of living organisms.

The other individuals mentioned:

  • Francis Crick: Co-discovered the structure of DNA along with James Watson.
  • Alexander Fleming: Discovered the antibiotic substance penicillin.
  • Ernest Rutherford: Contributed to the understanding of atomic structure and radioactivity.