Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Logical and Analytical Reasoning


Data Sufficiency


Following are the conditions for selection of Director in an Organisation. The candidate must

I. Be a MBA in Marketing with 1st class securing a minimum of 65% marks
II. Have an experience of working in related area at least two years after acquiring the desired qualification
III. Have passed the written test with at least 60% marks.
IV. Be not less than 40 year and not more than 50 year of age as 2.3.2020

Salman Khan is a MBA from IIM Lucknow, passed out in 2000 with 70% marks. He is working as a marketing head since July 2001. His date of birth is 25th Dec 1975. He has cleared the written test with 60% marks?

Indicate your decision by marking answers to each question as follows:


If the candidate is to be selected

If the candidate is not to be selected

If data is not adequate to take the decision

If the case is referred to the chairman.

Correct Answer:

If the candidate is to be selected


The correct answer is Option (1) → If the candidate is to be selected