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Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence


What was the primary focus of foreign trade during the British colonial rule in India?


Industrial Revolution in India

Agricultural development in India

Industrial Revolution in Britain

None of the above

Correct Answer:

Industrial Revolution in Britain


The primary focus of foreign trade during the British colonial rule in India was: Industrial Revolution in Britain

Explanation: During the British colonial rule in India, the primary focus of foreign trade was to serve the economic interests of Britain, particularly to support the Industrial Revolution in Britain. India was viewed as a source of raw materials, such as cotton, jute, tea, and spices, which were exported to Britain to fuel the industrial growth in British factories. Additionally, India was seen as a market for British manufactured goods, where finished products from Britain could be sold for profit. This trade pattern was largely exploitative and served to benefit the British economy at the expense of India's economic development. Therefore, the primary focus of foreign trade during British colonial rule in India was to support the Industrial Revolution in Britain.