Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Financial Markets

One of the common irregularities noted by the Securities and Exchange Board of India during the inspection of a stock exchange was that it was dealing with unregistered sub-brokers. Identify the related function of the Securities and Exchange Board of India
Regulatory function
Developmental function
Protective function
None of the above
Correct Answer:
Regulatory function
Regulatory Functions of SEBI: 1. Registration of brokers and sub brokers and other players in the market.
2. Registration of collective investment schemes and Mutual Funds.
3. Regulation of stock brokers, portfolio exchanges, underwriters and merchant bankers and the business in stock exchanges and any other securities market.
4. Regulation of takeover bids by companies.
5. Calling for information by under taking inspection, conducting enquiries and audits of stock exchanges and intermediaries.
6. Levying fee or other charges for carrying out the purposes of the Act. 7. Performing and exercising such power under Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act 1956, as may be delegated by the Government of India.