Practicing Success

Target Exam





Dissolution of Partnership Firm


Sita, Rita and Meeta are partners sharing profits and losses equally. On 31st March, 2022, they decided to dissolve the business. On that date, the Capital Account Balance were Sita-₹1,00,000; Rita-₹80,000 and Meeta-₹60,000. Creditors for ₹30,000 and Reserve Fund for ₹30,000 were also lying in the books of the firm while on Assets side Sundry Assets were existing at ₹2,70,000. Sundry assets included patents for ₹20,000. The tangible assets were realised at 90% of the book value while creditors were settled at 110%. Realisation expenses were ₹10,000 paid by Sita. There was an unrecorded assets of ₹5,000 which was taken over by Meeta.

Answer question on the basis of above information.

Calculate the loss/profit on realisation of Assets and liabilities on the basis of preparation of Realisation A/c.


₹48,000- Profit on Realisation

₹33,000 Loss on Realisation

₹53,000 Loss on Realisation

₹18,000 Profit on Realisation

Correct Answer:

₹53,000 Loss on Realisation


The correct answer is option 3- ₹53,000 Loss on Realisation.

Particulars Amount (₹) Particulars Amount (₹)
To sundry assets 2,70,000 By Creditors 30,000
To Cash A/c (creditors paid) 33,000 By cash A/c (realisation of tangible assets) 2,25,000
 To Sita's Capital A/c
(Realisation expenses)
 10,000 By Meeta's Capital A/c
(Unrecorded asset)
    By loss on realisation
Sita 17667
Rita 17667
Meeta 17666
   3,13,000    3,13,000

* Tangible asset = 2,70,000 - 20,000(patent)
                        = 2,50,000

Realisation on tangible asset is 90% i.e. 2,50,000 x 90/100
                                                       = ₹2,25,000

* Creditors = ₹30,000
Paid at 110% i.e. 30,000 x 110/100
                      = ₹33000

* Realisations expenses has to be paid by firm but it is paid by partner Sita. So, the journal entry for this -
Realisation A/c  Dr. ₹10,000
    To Sita's Capital A/c    ₹10,000

* Unrecorded assets of ₹5,000 is taken over by partner Meeta. Journal entry for this-
Meeta's Capital A/c Dr. ₹5,000
   To Realisation A/c   ₹5,000