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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Ancient History


In which language most of Ashoka inscription are written?


Sanskrit & Pali

Prakrit & Brahmi

Hindi & Pali

Urdu & Sanskrit

Correct Answer:

Prakrit & Brahmi


The correct answer is Option 2- Prakrit & Brahmi

Most of Ashoka's inscriptions are written in Prakrit and Brahmi .
Ashoka's inscriptions, predominantly in Prakrit and Brahmi script, were strategically chosen to ensure broad comprehension among the populace of ancient India. Prakrit, the spoken language of the time, facilitated widespread understanding, aligning with Ashoka's intent to communicate directly with his subjects. Brahmi, an early script, was adept at transcribing various Indian languages, including Prakrit. Through these inscriptions, Ashoka disseminated edicts on governance, morality, and religious tolerance across his empire, leaving a lasting impact on Indian history. His choice of language and script underscored a deliberate effort to connect with and influence the masses, solidifying his legacy as a visionary ruler.