Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science




Which of the following is an essential aspect of freedom besides the absence of constraints?


Imposition of societal norms

Submission to external controls

Expansion of the ability to freely express oneself and develop potential

None of the above

Correct Answer:

Expansion of the ability to freely express oneself and develop potential


The correct answer is Option 3 - Expansion of the ability to freely express oneself and develop potential

A simple answer to the question ‘what is freedom’ is absence of constraints. Freedom is said to exist when external constraints on the individual are absent. In terms of this definition an individual could be considered free if he/she is not subject to external controls or coercion and is able to make independent decisions and act in an autonomous way. However, absence of constraints is only one dimension of freedom. Freedom is also about expanding the ability of people to freely express themselves and develop their potential. Freedom in this sense is the condition in which people can develop their creativity and capabilities of people to freely express themselves and develop their potential. Freedom in this sense is the condition in which people can develop their creativity and capabilities No individual living in society can hope to enjoy total absence of any kind of constraints or restrictions. It becomes necessary then to determine which social constraints are justified and which are not, which are acceptable and which should be removed.