Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Active Passive Voice


Select the correct Passive form of the given sentence.


Were they singing songs?


Are Songs are singing by them?

Did Songs were singing by them?

Are songs being sung by them?

Were songs being sung by them?

Correct Answer:

Were songs being sung by them?


The correct passive form of the given sentence is:

Were songs being sung by them?


In the active sentence, the subject is "they," and the verb is "were singing" (past continuous tense). The object is "songs."

To convert this to the passive form, we make the object ("songs") the subject of the passive sentence and use the appropriate form of the verb "to be" (in this case, "were being") followed by the past participle of the main verb "sing" ("sung"). Additionally, we retain the original sentence's word order and meaning.

Let's break down the options:

  1. Are Songs are singing by them? (Incorrect) This sentence is not in the correct grammatical structure for the passive voice. The correct form should be "Are songs being sung by them?" using the present continuous tense "are being sung."

  2. Did Songs were singing by them? (Incorrect) This sentence is not in the correct grammatical structure for the passive voice. The correct form should be "Were songs being sung by them?" using the past continuous tense "were being sung."

  3. Are songs being sung by them? (Correct) This sentence correctly uses the passive voice and conveys the same meaning as the original sentence. It uses the present continuous tense "are being sung."

  4. Were songs being sung by them? (Incorrect) This option is almost correct, but it changes the word order slightly from the original sentence. The preferred word order for the passive form of the sentence is "Were songs being sung by them?"