Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Change and Development in Rural Society


Which of the following statements are correct about Land ceiling Acts?
1Land Ceiling Acts imposed an upper and lower limit on the amount of land that can be owned by a particular family.
2.According to these acts, the state is supposed to identify and take possession of surplus land (above the ceiling limit) held by each household, and redistribute it to landless families and households in other specified categories, such as SCs and STs.


Only 1

Only 2

Both 1 and 2

Neither 1 nor 2

Correct Answer:

Only 2


Land Ceiling Acts. These laws imposed an upper limit on the amount of land (and no lower limit was imposed) that can be owned by a particular family. The ceiling varies from region to region, depending on the kind of land, its productivity, and other such factors. Very productive land has a low ceiling while unproductive dry land has a higher ceiling limit. According to these acts, the state is supposed to identify and take possession of surplus land (above the ceiling limit) held by each household, and redistribute it to landless families and households in other specified categories, such as SCs and STs. But in most of the states these acts proved to be toothless. There were many loopholes and other strategies through which most landowners were able to escape from having their surplus land taken over by the state.