Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Social Movements

Consider the following statements about the Resource Mobilisation Theory and choose the correct option :
A. It argued that a social movement's success depends on its ability to mobilise resources or means of different sorts.
B. It rejected Olson's assumption that social movements are made up of individuals pursuing their self-interest.
A only
B only
Both A and B are correct
Both A and B are incorrect
Correct Answer:
Both A and B are correct
McCarthy and Zald’s proposed resource mobilisation theory rejected Olson’s assumption that social movements are made up of individuals pursuing their self-interest. Instead, they argued that a social movement’s success depends on its ability to mobilise resources or means of different sorts. If a movement can muster resources such as leadership, organisational capacity, and communication facilities, and can use them within the available political opportunity structure, it is more likely to be effective. Critics argue that a social movement is not limited by existing resources. It can create resources such as new symbols and identities. As numerous poor people’s movements show, scarcity of resources need not be a constraint. Even with an initial limited material resources and organisational base, a movement can generate resources through the process of struggle.