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Which of the following is the most appropriate meaning of the maxim " actus non Iacit reum, nisi mens sit rea"?


An act does not make one guilty unless the mind is also legally blameworthy

An act does not make one guilty unless it causes bodily harm.

nothing new should be introduced in a pending litigation

A criminal mind is necessary for convicting a person.

Correct Answer:

An act does not make one guilty unless the mind is also legally blameworthy


The most appropriate meaning of the maxim "actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea" is: An act does not make one guilty unless the mind is also legally blameworthy.

This Latin maxim emphasizes the principle that criminal liability generally requires a guilty mind or criminal intent (mens rea) along with a wrongful act (actus reus) for an individual to be considered guilty of a crime.