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Target Exam





Ancient India: Kings, Farmers and Towns


Match the following works of List 1 with the person associated with it:

List- 1

List- 2

(A) Set of Asokan inscriptions.

(I) Banabhatta

(B) Indian Epigraphy and Indian Epigraphical Glossary

(II) Alexander Cunningham

(C) Harshacharita

(III) Harishena

(D) Prayaga Prashasti

(IV) D.C. Sircar


(A)- III, (B)- I, (C)- IV, (D)- II

(A)- I, (B)- II, (C)- IV, (D)- III

(A)- III, (B)- IV, (C)- I, (D)- II

(A)- II, (B)- IV, (C)- I, (D)- III

Correct Answer:

(A)- II, (B)- IV, (C)- I, (D)- III


1877- In 1877 Alexander Cunningham publishes a set of Asokan inscriptions.

1960s-1966.- D.C. Sircar authored "Indian Epigraphy and Indian Epigraphical Glossary" and it was published around 1960s-1966.

Harshavardhana was the ruler during the period of c. 606-647 CE and was the king of Kanauj. The Harshacharita is a biography of Harshavardhana, the ruler of Kanauj, composed in Sanskrit by his court poet, Banabhatta.

A notable example is the Prayaga Prashasti, also known as the Allahabad Pillar Inscription, written in Sanskrit by Harishena, the court poet of Samudragupta. Samudragupta is considered one of the most powerful Gupta rulers of the fourth century CE.