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Target Exam





Human Health and Disease


Read the passage carefully. Attempt the questions.

In our body, cell growth and differentiation is highly controlled and regulated. In cancer cells, there is breakdown of these regulatory mechanisms. Cancerous cells just continue to divide giving rise to masses of cells called tumors. Benign tumors normally remain confined to their original location. The malignant tumors, on the other hand are a mass of proliferating cells. These cells actively divide and starve the normal cells by competing for vital nutrients. Cells sloughed from such tumors reach distant sites through blood, and wherever they get lodged in the body. they start a new tumor there. This property is called metastasis. Transformation of normal cells into cancerous cells may be induced by physical, chemical or biological agents called carcinogens.

Tobacco smoke been identified as a major cause of:


Skin Cancer

Blood Cancer

Lung Cancer

Brain Cancer

Correct Answer:

Lung Cancer


The correct answer is Option (3) → Lung Cancer