Target Exam





India-People and Economy: International Trade


Match the following ports in List 1 with the description mentioned in List 2

Name of the Port


(a) Chittagong port

(i) Largest container port in India

(b) Karachi port

(ii) Biggest port in India

(c) Mumbai Port

(iii) Located in Bangladesh

(d) Jawaharlal Nehru Port

(iv) Located in Pakistan



(a)- iii, (b)- iv, (c)- i, (d)- i

(a)- iii, (b)- ii, (c)- iv, (d)- i

(a)- iii, (b)- i, (c)- ii, (d)- iv

(a)- iii, (b)- iv, (c)- ii, (d)- i

Correct Answer:

(a)- iii, (b)- iv, (c)- ii, (d)- i


Jawaharlal Nehru Port at Nhava Sheva was developed as a satellite port to relieve the pressure at the Mumbai port. It is the largest container port in India.

Mumbai is a natural harbour and the biggest port of the country.

The British used the ports as suction points for the resources from their hinterlands. The extension of railways towards the interior facilitated the linking of the local markets to regional markets, regional markets to national markets and national markets to the international markets. This trend continued till 1947. It was expected that the country’s Independence will reverse the process, but the partition of the country snatched away two very important ports, i.e., Karachi port went to Pakistan and Chittagong port to the erstwhile east Pakistan and now Bangladesh. To compensate for the losses, many new ports, like the Kandla in the west and the Diamond Harbour near Kolkata on river Hugli in the east were developed.