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Micro Economics: Theory of Consumer behaviour


Which of the following is true ?


PPC is parallel to X-axis

PPC is downward sloping curve

PPC is upward sloping curve

PPC is sometimes downward sloping curve

Correct Answer:

PPC is downward sloping curve


The correct answer is option (2) : PPC is downward sloping curve

Production Possibility Curve (PPC), also known as a Production Possibility Frontier (PPF), is typically represented as a downward-sloping curve in economics. It shows the different combinations of two goods or services that an economy can produce efficiently, given its available resources and technology. As you move along the PPC, the opportunity cost of producing one good or service over another changes, which results in the downward-sloping shape of the curve. This illustrates the concept of trade-offs in economics. This indicates that as the production of one good increases, the production of the other must decrease, assuming all resources are fully utilized and efficiently allocated.