A body is imparted a velocity v from the surface of the earth. If v0 is orbital velocity and ve be the escape velocity then for
(A) v = v0, the body follows a circular track around the earth. (B) v > v0 but < ve, the body follows elliptical path around the earth. (C) v < v0, the body follows elliptical path and returns to surface of earth. (D) v > ve, the body follows hyperbolic path and escapes the gravitational pull of the earth.
A, B
B, C
A, B, C
A, B, C, D
Correct Answer:
A, B, C, D
Velocity of Satellite
Nature of Path
v = v0
Circular path around the earth.
v < v0
Elliptical path and body returns to earth.
v > v0 but < ve
Elliptical path around the earth and will not escape.