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General Test


General Knowledge


Which battle was fought between Mohammad Ghori and Prithviraj Chauhan?


Battle of Tarain

Battle of Khanua

Battle of Plassey

Battle of Buxar

Correct Answer:

Battle of Tarain


The correct answer is Option 1- Battle of Tarain

The Battle of Tarain, sometimes referred to as the First Battle of Tarain, was fought between the Ghurid forces of Muhammad Ghori and the Rajput Confederacy of Prithviraj Chauhan in 1191. It took place near Tarain (modern Taraori), which is 110 kilometres (68 mi), north of Delhi. The battle ended in a decisive victory for the Rajput forces.

The Battle of Tarain is significant because it was the first major battle between the Muslim invaders and the Hindu rulers of India. It also marked the beginning of the end of Rajput rule in North India.

Ghori was humiliated by his defeat at Tarain and returned to Ghazni with the intention of raising a larger army and returning to India to defeat Prithviraj Chauhan. In 1192, Ghori returned to India with a much larger army and defeated Prithviraj Chauhan at the Second Battle of Tarain.

The Second Battle of Tarain was a major turning point in Indian history. It led to the establishment of Muslim rule in North India and the beginning of the Mughal Empire.