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Target Exam





Plant Kingdom


Select the incorrect pair.


Numerical taxonomy - Uses numerical methods

Cytotaxonomy - Cytological information.

Chemotaxonomy - Chromosome number and structure.

Cladistic taxonomy - Origin from a common ancestor.

Correct Answer:

Chemotaxonomy - Chromosome number and structure.


The correct answer is Option (3) –Chemotaxonomy - Chromosome number and structure.

Numerical Taxonomy which is now easily carried out using computers is based on all observable characteristics. Number and codes are assigned to all the characters and the data are then processed. In this way each character is given equal importance and at the same time hundreds of characters can be considered. Numerical taxonomy is a classification system that uses numerical methods to group taxonomic units based on their character states.

Cytotaxonomy that is based on cytological information like chromosome number, structure, behaviour and chemotaxonomy that uses the chemical constituents of the plant to resolve confusions, are also used by taxonomists these days.

Cladistics is a system of taxonomy in which the organisms are classified into clades (groups) based on collective characteristics and having common ancestry.