Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




MAM Ltd. used to be the top dog in the market with 75% share. The company follows the policy of selling goods in cash only and set the target of achieving goal of selling rice at 30% profit. In 2018, other companies started selling rice on credit, which was different from what did (selling only for cash) before. But MAM's managers stuck to their old plans that had always worked before. Unfortunately, the world was changing, and these plans didn't fit anymore. This caused MAM's sales to go down. The story teaches us that sometimes sticking too much to old ways and not adapting to changes in the world can cause problems in business.

'The company set the target of achieving the goal of selling rice at 30% profit.'

What is indicated in above statement?






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is option 1- Objective

'The company set the target of achieving the goal of selling rice at 30% profit.' - Objective.

Objectives are very basic to the organisation and they are defined as ends which the management seeks to achieve by its operations. Therefore, an objective simply stated is what you would like to achieve, i.e., the end result of activities.They represent the end point of planning. All other managerial activities are also directed towards achieving these objectives. They are usually set by top management of the organisation and focus on broad, general issues. They define the future state of affairs which the organisation strives to realise. They serve as a guide for overall business planning. Different departments or units in the organisation may have their own objectives.