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Legal Studies




Which of the following is NOT a type of Writ?


habeas corpus

quo warranto

locus standi


Correct Answer:

locus standi


The correct answer is Option 3 - locus standi

"Locus standi" is a Latin term that translates to "standing" or "legal standing" in English. It refers to the legal right or capacity to bring a case or appear in court. In other words, it signifies whether a person or entity has a sufficient interest in a matter to justify their involvement in legal proceedings.
In order to have locus standi, a person must demonstrate that they have a direct, personal, and substantial interest in the subject matter of the case. This interest must be more than just a general or philosophical concern; it must be concrete and specific to the individual or entity seeking to bring the case.
Having locus standi is important because it ensures that only those directly affected by a legal issue have the right to initiate legal proceedings. This

The High Courts have power to issue within their jurisdiction directions, orders, or writs including writs which are in the nature of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto and certiorari for enforcement of Fundamental Rights and for any other purpose.