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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


The book ‘Man Kautuhal’ was compiled by which of the following kings of Medieval India?


Raja Man Singh Tomar

Krishna II

Parantaka Viranarayana

Rajashekhara Varman

Correct Answer:

Raja Man Singh Tomar


The correct answer is Option 1- Raja Man Singh Tomar

Raja Mansingh Tomar was the ruler of Gwalior from 1486 to 1516. He was a patron of the arts and sciences, and he is credited with compiling the book ‘Man Kautuhal’, which is a treatise on music and dance.

‘Man Kautuhal’ is a comprehensive treatise on music and dance. It covers a wide range of topics, including the history of music, the theory of music, and the practice of music and dance. The book is divided into two parts: the first part deals with music, and the second part deals with dance.

‘Man Kautuhal’ is an important work in the history of Indian music and dance. It is a valuable source of information about the musical and dance traditions of medieval India.