Practicing Success

Target Exam





Fill Blanks


A sentence has been given with a blank to be filled with an appropriate word. Choose the correct alternative.

If you are the one who is planning to lose weight, remember to keep your snacking _____.






Correct Answer:



The correct option to fill in the blank is moderate.

The sentence is about the importance of moderation when snacking if you are planning to lose weight. The word "moderate" means not excessive or extreme. It is the most appropriate word to use in this context, as it suggests that you should not eat too much when you are snacking.

The other options are not as appropriate:

  • Outgoing means sociable and friendly. It would not be accurate to use "outgoing" in this context, as it does not relate to snacking or weight loss.
  • Prejudiced means having or showing an unfair or unjust dislike of someone or something on the basis of their membership of a particular group. It would not be accurate to use "prejudiced" in this context, as it does not relate to snacking or weight loss.
  • Uncontrolled means not governed by or subject to control. It would be accurate to use "uncontrolled" in this context, as it suggests that you should not eat too much when you are snacking. However, it is not as appropriate as "moderate", as it is more negative and does not convey the same sense of balance and moderation.